Monday, January 4, 2010

Elephant Painting

There are people all over the world who paint. There are also many people in world history who have painted many wonderful and many well known paintings in today's art memory, but have you ever heard of an Elephant painting pictures?

In Thailand, Indonesia, India and Cambodia there are elephants who paint pictures. They paint elephants, trees, fields, and probably a whole lot more different things, by just picking up the brush with their trunks. Each Elephant has a person to help them with the paint color, but the person will hand the brush to the elephant, the elephant will step up to the canvas and start painting.

An elephant is trained to paint by her mahout or her trainer. They practice for a long time until the elephant is able to paint a picture. before the training however quiet a few of these elephants were employed hauling timber around, but when they "lost" there job there, they had to come up with some talent to market in the economy that would help them to survive.

The links below show examples of Elephant Painting:

Doggy Collage Pop Art

In our history we look back and we see paintings and statues and collages sculptures, and other inturesting art pieces, but in the art of today there is a new kind of art. Its called Doggy Collage Pop art. People take a picture of a dog and they use differt types, designs, colors, textures of fabric or paper to form the picture of the dog.

The Artist will cut the pieces and fit them together in such a manner that it turns out looking like a dog. There are some organization who have artists make these collages and sell them in a craft fair or gallery to earn money for different causes. There is an artist in Chicago who made a blog website where she blogs about her work and thanks any body who sends in pictures of their dog. She then takes the pictures of the dogs to make her collages where she sells them at her galleries. This website is It is very interting.